ARCH account administrators may add additional users to their accounts. Start by clicking on the Account link at the top of the screen, then click the Create New User button:
Add or configure the following values and click the Create button to add each user to your account:
- Username: A unique value for logging into ARCH. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and "@/./+/-/_" only.
- First name: The user’s first name.
- Last name: The user’s last name.
- Email: The unique email address where the user can be reached.
- Role: Select the ADMIN option for users who may add collection data and/or additional users to the account. For all others select the USER option.
- Send welcome email: Check this box to email this user automatically from ARCH with login and user instructions.
Navigate to the Teams tab to add users to new or existing teams for working dataset sharing:
Click the Create New Team button to add a new team of users to your account. Use the checkbox to select and the Edit Team button to add or remove account users from an existing team.
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