How to submit a ticket for technical support


Support tickets can be submitted directly to the Internet Archive's Archiving & Data Services team when you need assistance resolving an issue with your account. This page provides insight into our prioritization process and instructions on how to submit a support ticket.

Before submitting a support ticket, try searching the Help Center for an answer to your question and reading through our support documentation. If none of the information there resolves your question, please submit a support ticket.

On this page:

Prioritization of support tickets

We respond to tickets within four business days, however, more complex issues may take some time for our engineers to resolve.  

How to create a support ticket

Via the Help widget


After clicking the Help button in the bottom right corner, and searching a word or phrase, a 'Contact Us' button will appear:


Select Contact us to fill out the form and click save to submit a ticket. The request form will prompt you to include details pertinent to your support ticket, including the following information:

Field Name

Data to Enter



A sentence or phrase describing the issue.



A detailed description of the issue. The description should include the type of Web browser you are using and the operating system you are running.

Any steps necessary to reproduce errors or problems with the web application should also be listed.


ARCH account URL

Please provide us with a link to your account.



Please select a category from the provided dropdown list that best describes the issue type (Accessing ARCH; Failed jobs; Previewing or downloading data; Update account information; Other)



Attach any file(s) relevant to the ticket.

For instance, screenshots showing error messages or other behaviours can be very useful to us. Including a screenshot helps ensure your ticket gets processed quickly!




Complete your ticket by clicking the Submit button, and that's it – your ticket has been entered into our system! A receipt verification email will be sent to your email address.

Receiving support ticket updates

Via Email

When the Archiving & Data Services support team replies (adds any comments) to any of your tickets, the reply will be sent to you directly via email. From that point on, you can simply reply to this email and your ticket will be updated with a new comment. As soon as you do, we will receive a notification that you have responded via email and will start processing the new information.

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